Term of use

Legal notes, terms and conditions for use of the portal
The www.mitsubishielectric.it portal is a commercial, technical, communication/information portal, also dealing with e-commerce, owned by MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V., Italian branch.
The allowed actions are the following:simple navigation of the portal;
free use or purchase of services and/or products subject to registration on the website.
The services and information available on the portal are provided by MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V., Italian branch, with registered office at 1119NS Schiphol – Rijk Capronilaan 34 The Netherlands, Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Amsterdam, no. 33279602, Sole Shareholder Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Share capital 83,975,000.00 Euro fully paid-up, branch office in Via Energy Park 14, 20871 Vimercate (MB), listed in the Companies Register of Monza and Brianza, Economic and Administrative Index (REA) no. MB-1499633, Tax Code/VAT no. 02595560968.
Depending on the use made (website navigation or registration on the website for the purpose of making purchases or using specific services), users accessing the portal are subject to these terms and conditions, and to any specific contractual conditions governing the functions used.
Users who do not agree with all the general terms and conditions for the use of the portal or who fail to understand them, shall not proceed to use the portal.
The recitals are an integral part of the terms and conditions for the use of the portal.
For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the terms portal and website are to be regarded as synonymous.
Simple navigation of the portal is free, with the exception of telephone charges or other costs required for Internet connection which are paid by the user and, moreover, are not regulated and do not depend on MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V.
For information about the website: tel. +39 039-60531.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. reserves the right to update these terms and conditions for the use of the portal at any time.
The changes made shall take effect following publication of the new general terms and conditions on the www.mitsubishielectric.it website.
No changes entailing the automatic acceptance of services/areas on payment for users shall be published.
Users are required to check from time to time for the publication of changes to this document.
If users do not wish to accept the new general terms and conditions for use, they shall not continue to use the portal.
If users continue to use the www.mitsubishielectric.it portal following the aforementioned changes, the use of the website shall in itself be understood as acceptance by users to be bound by the new terms and conditions for the use of the portal.
How to use the portal
A) Registration, password and security
For simple navigation of the portal it is not necessary to register on the same.
In order to make purchases, use the services or access reserved areas, it is necessary to register on the website www.mitsubishielectric.it as follows:
access the portal through a standard Internet connection;
complete the registration form with all the necessary details and then follow the instructions for user activation. These instructions shall be forwarded to the e-mail address provided by the user for registration purposes.
In order to register on the portal, users shall be over 18 years of age and legally entitled to undertake commercial transactions and enter into contracts, in addition to being entitled to perform the same for any company or other legal entity they may represent.
Registered individuals can use the services and place orders/make purchases on the pages of the website, and keep track of the same.
All registered users declare that they are fully entitled to use prepaid cards and other means of payment that can be used on the portal.
Users shall check that the means of payment in their possession have sufficient credit to cover all costs relating to the purchase of services.
Users shall ensure that the information provided at the time of registration or at any other subsequent time, is accurate and complete.
All changes to the details provided shall be made by updating the user’s personal profile.
An ID and password permitting use of the website shall be created during the registration process.
The password created, the ID and the use of the same are of a confidential and personal nature.
Users are responsible for logging out before leaving the website in order to protect the information entered.
Users shall be responsible for all activities carried out using their user ID and password.
If users are aware or suspect that any third parties may be acquainted with their password, they shall change it immediately and check that the details entered are correct.
B) Submitting orders/making purchases, payment methods and security
Once the registration has been completed, users can navigate the reserved sections of the portal for which they have registered and select the services and/or products of interest.
In the final procedures that precede any type of purchase, a summary shall be displayed indicating:
the respective price (inclusive of all applicable taxes or fees);
the payment methods available to the user to purchase each product.
The computerised procedures shall guide users through the steps and actions required to submit orders and through the payment procedures.
In compliance with the legislation in force, orders shall be confirmed by sending an e-mail to the address provided during registration.
If the order cannot be confirmed, the user shall be entitled to the return of any amount paid.
Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV reserves the right to change the prices of the products and/or services supplied at any time; in the event of such changes, the purchases made shall be invoiced on the basis of the rates applicable at the time of the electronic storage of the orders (and the order confirmation, pursuant to the information supplied above).
Payment of the services/products purchased can be made using one of the following methods:
Credit cards
MasterCard and Visa credit cards are accepted.
Online transactions by credit card are processed, through a secure server, directly on the online payments service website. Credit cards shall be charged when the goods are shipped and no surcharge shall be due for credit card payment.Bank credit transfer
Bank credit transfers shall be made to MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. using the bank account details communicated by the same.
In the event that the electronic payment procedures notify the rejection of the credit card or other payment card, the order shall be not concluded. The user shall be informed of that and it shall be given all the instructions to proceed correctly with the payment.
The financial information (for instance: credit card number, expiry date, security code etc.) shall be forwarded to the entities providing remote electronic payment services, without third parties having access to the same in any way, except where required to fulfil legal or contractual obligations and in full compliance with the legislation in force governing data protection.
The information provided shall be used solely for the purpose of completing the purchase procedures.
However, should it be necessary to prevent or report to the police force or legal authorities the commission of fraud on the portal, or any other act classified under law as a crime or offence, the aforesaid information shall be disclosed to the aforementioned competent authorities, and in any case placed at their disposal in compliance with the relevant sector regulations or upon the request of the said legal authorities.
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. shall not be liable for any improper use of the portal by users and for users’ failure to comply with these terms and conditions.
The website is made available without the issue of any specific guarantee or licence. Users undertake all risks connected with the use of the internet and the IT applications (hardware and software).
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. shall not be liable for any viruses, malware or any other problems related to users’ navigation on the internet insofar as they do not depend on actions carried out by MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. itself.
Users shall ensure that they are properly equipped with basic IT security tools (antivirus, firewall….).
More specifically, MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. accepts no responsibility for the following:
incompatibility of the Website with the telecommunications equipment, software and connections at the users’ disposal;
technical issues, including Website errors or interruptions;
attacks suffered by users during internet navigation (including but not limited to: viruses, malware etc.);
damage to the IT equipment/software used by users for navigation;
Services not included
The services provided by the website do not include the supply of a computer or other equipment required to access the website.
In order to use the Website, users shall be able to connect to the internet and have all the necessary connection accessories.
All telephone costs or other charges are at the user's expense.
Intellectual property
All contents available on the website such as (by way of example but not limitation) graphics, icons, logos, images, digital downloads, databases, software, videos and technical specifications are the property of MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. or of any partners or third parties that have authorised MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. to use them.
These terms and conditions do not entail the issue of licences or authorisations for the use of the contents available on the website such as (by way of example but not limitation) graphics, icons, logos, images, digital downloads, databases, software, videos and technical specifications.
Restrictions and prohibitions
It is expressly prohibited to use this website for the following purposes:
to disseminate illegal, harassing, defamatory, offensive, threatening, vulgar, obscene or otherwise censurable material;
to transmit material fostering behaviour that breaches current legislation, codes of conduct or similar;
to gain unauthorised access to other computer networks, to interfere with the use of the Website by third parties, to breach any law or regulation concerning the use of public telecommunications networks;
to interfere or in any way damage or restrict networks or websites linked to the Website;
to make, transmit or store electronic copies of material owned by MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. without authorisation;
to introduce links to the www.mitsubishielectric.it portal on personal or commercial sites without authorisation, which shall be applied for exclusively in writing.
Any user causing damage to MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. as a result of infringement of these terms and conditions or breach of laws, regulations or similar requirements, shall be liable for the same before the competent legal authorities.
The user indemnifies MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. against any illegal, non-compliant and/or unauthorised use of the information accessible on the portal made by the user him/herself or by third parties.
The user undertakes to release and hold harmless MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. from any legal action whatsoever which may be brought against the same or from any complaint lodged against it, even by third parties, arising from the the user’s use of the portal, comprising any legal expenses relating to such actions.
Availability of the Website
Users’ access to the Website may be subject to temporary interruptions as a result of repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new tools and services. MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. undertakes to restore the service as soon as possible.
Right to suspend or cancel the user’s registration, and the user’s right to cancel his/her account
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. has the right to suspend or cancel a user registration at any time and at its discretion in the event of infringement of these terms and conditions.
Users have the right to cancel their account at any time.
The cancellation decided by a user, or the cancellation/suspension determined by MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V., shall not affect the rights and obligations acquired prior to such an occurrence.
The user’s cancellation shall not result in the cancellation of details and information which shall be kept in order to comply with legal obligations (for example, accounting records).
Third-party websites
For the users’ benefit, the Website may include links to other websites or other materials belonging to partners or third parties (MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. guarantees that, under such circumstances, it shall publish links or materials of a different nature solely subject to authorisation by the relevant partners/third parties).
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. shall not be held liable for the content of the pages and services provided by such partners or third parties, to which users shall apply directly.
Data protection
Read the entire Privacy Policy of Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
Governing law
These contractual terms and conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the current laws of Italy.
As stated above, in the event of infringement by the user of these terms and conditions, MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. shall be entitled to resort to legal action to protect its rights in accordance with current law.
Italian branch
Terms and conditions valid from
Data Controller
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Italian Branch
Via Energy Park 14 - 20871 Vimercate (MB)
pro tempore legal representative
Registered office in Schiphol, RiJk Capronilaan 34, Olanda
Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Amsterdam,
n. 33279602
single-member company Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Capital Stock 83.982.000,00.
Italian Branch in Via Energy Park 14
20871 Vimercate (MB)
Registro delle Imprese di Milano, Monza Brianza e Lodi - Numero REA MB-1499633 -
C.F / P.I. 02595560968